Scripture Reading - John 10:27-29

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. KJV

Do you know of anyone who aspires to be a sheep in life? Isn’t it interesting that the majority of professional sports teams are not called by the name of “The Sheeps”. The image of a sheep is not known for it’s physical strength or wit but rather it’s tender heart. How many animals will lay down it’s life (even slaughtering) for the benefit of someone else? How many animals do we know that are so harmless that little children can play with them without fear or reservation. Beloved fellow believer how many Christian’s think of themselves as “a little lamb of love” instead of a “Lion hearted conqueror”. The contrast is this, the king of the jungle (the Lion) needs no external protection whereas “a sheep” doesn’t worry about the protection (the value) of his life. It is not that the sheep is docile or foolish but rather it is his nature to live a carefree life void of fear. For all those that confess the Name of Christ Jesus these four verses are speaking directly to you. We have divine protection at the Hands of God. Did you notice two hands are holding you, I use to think we were only in the Hands of the Father. Probably from the song, “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”. However these verses are not talking to the whole world, nor are they directed toward every person all over the world. Jesus is speaking to His Sheep referred to as “My Sheep”. The Almighty Jesus, our Champion, our Conquering King, the Lord of All, makes a bold statement of truth. Jesus said no man is able to take you out of His Hand and then He goes on to say, “No Man is able to take you out of My Father’s Hand because My Father is greater than all”. I thought you would be glad to know that you have double coverage over your spirit, soul and body in Christ Jesus. Our Lord does not refer to you as “a sheep” but rather “My Sheep”. Being a “red sheep” covered by the Precious Blood of Jesus translates into Divine Protection as a bona fide Member of the Body of Christ. That, my faith friend, is good to know during these last days while we preach knowing that God’s Hands are upon us. Remember, all sheep need a shepherd to protect them from harm and we already have this divine protection in Christ Jesus because we are known by our Lord as “My Sheep”. In the eyes of God it is not about personality but rather are you personally known as “My Sheep” by God. Amen!